Explore Our Family Tree And Name Index Website
The Our Beloved Ancestors Family Tree website displays dynamic views of our family tree and an index of our known Ancestors’ profiles. Please note that to help you move between sites the Family Tree website will open in a separate tab.
Visit the Help Page on that site to learn how to navigate the features that it offers. For example, anytime a person’s name is shown on the Family Tree website you’ll be able to access three different views for each person:
1) A view that shows their Individual Details such as birth, marriage and death, etc.,
2) One or more family views, allowing you to select the person’s Family Group Sheet with their parents and siblings, or a Family Group Sheet with their spouse(s) and descendants, or,
3) A Pedigree Chart that shows the person’s known ancestors.
What’s the source of the information in the name index and tree? I’ve generated the information provided on the Family Tree website through ongoing family history research that I’m conducting through traditional genealogical research, examination of DNA matches and the use of other source materials. I’m using RootsMagic 9 genealogy software in an ongoing, iterative process to compile, update and refine the tree and index, so check back often to see the latest revisions.
I have two goals in 2024 for the Our Beloved Ancestors Family Tree website. You will see that each of the individual profiles lists documents that were referenced, and some profiles have research notes at the top of the Individual Detail page.
1) My first 2024 goal is to review each profile and add or correct notes as needed. As each profile is reviewed for accuracy and reasonable completeness during 2024 a ‘verified’ label will be added to the profile.
2) My second 2024 goal is correct the format of all document citations so they adhere to preferred genealogy guidelines. At the same time I plan to also switch the listed references to Family Search sources. That will allow everyone to access those documents for free without the need to have a paid membership to Ancestry.com.
The Fan Chart that is shown below points to several gaps in information that exists in our family tree, even when only trying to trace our family back just a few generations. As a result, I’m still working to confirm many of the facts that tell the life story of known ancestors. I’m also planning new research projects to fill in those gaps.
The three research projects at the top of my 2023-2024 to-do list are:
1) Processing George and Lizzie Howard King’s Civil War pension file and writing about the information that flows from those documents,
2) Using DNA and traditional genealogical research to identify my paternal Grandmother’s, Alta Monyette Lee King’s, birth father, and,
3) Beginning the process of researching basic information about my Mother’s, Louise King’s, immediate ancestors, since my Mom wasn’t able to share as many details about her family history as my Father was able to share about his family.
Links to blog posts about the research conducted on those and other projects will be added here as that work evolves.